Tree Residency @ One Residence
“Less is more” is the design philosophy of notable architect Ludwig Mies van de Rohe. With the Tree Residency, the values of minimalism are fully exuded, conveying a sense of harmony that comes from simplicity.
The minimalism in Tree Residency, however, is not one of emptiness, but one that is out of the box, with bold use of lines, geometry and ratio instead of fluff to achieve a clean and elegant look. More importantly, the materials used to construct Tree Residency are environmentally friendly, as such bringing its inhabitants close to nature.
The overall design of Tree Residency is skewed towards garden living, with eight different designs to suit the different requirements of buyers. The club facility of Tree Residency is complete with badminton court, half-sized Olympic pool and other recreational facilities that will bring out the athlete in you.
Location : One Residence, Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Corner Duplex, Link Duplex, Twin Villa
Land Tenure : Freehold
Total Units: 316
Developer : Ideal Property
Contributed by reader (Update 27/2/13)
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Contributed by reader (Update 24/6/13)
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Contributed by reader (Update 25/8/13)
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Contributed by reader (Update 18/9/13)
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@TR Owner
I doubt anyone would be interested at this stage but good luck anyway
@Rachael Choong
I think otherwise. If there are major crack and sinking issue, I don’t think of any reason that I can’t see it during my last trip in Aug, driving my car turning around the site. I covered more than 50% of the road inside. And by walking, cover the whole lane same row with my house. Workers only work on the minor touch up and no major repair in place. If Ideal really have the technology to cover a few inches crack and sinking issue, I lose. Or you are referring to the major crack inside the house only, and no issue outside the house? Then it is totally different from Dua Villas case, and I doubt it. Don’t tell me you are referring to the hairline crack…..
And the meeting is on Sat, and the proposed pre-meeting is on Fri. Both not Thu. You can read or type the day wrongly, you may hear the words from the guard wrongly too. You can’t blame people for not believing you, regardless your statement is truth or false.
@Rachael Choong
Just a reminder to you that if your statement is proven not correct, it is not that difficult for the developer to take a legal case on you, base on your network IP.
Don’t need to entertain the ‘hazers’. Everytime the ‘hazers’ came to visit, they always use full name, and trying too hard to lie… so obvious….
The owners in TR FB managed to sneak in a lot of times a few weeks ago, and so far, sadly for the ‘hazers’, it’s all looking good for TR.
Just wondering, what if her statement proven to correct? Developer will award her?
Not looking for any arguement, just feel really funny with such statement. No offence ya..
Not funny la, it’s true. There is not such a privacy now in cyber world. You are highly traceable..
Is this Bryan the representative from Ideal?
He is easily get offended when someone is telling something bad about Ideal even though most of them are the facts.
I bought Dua Villas. Really piss-off with Ideal on dealing with the land sinking issue on Dua Villas. We informed Ideal that we found the major crack on wall when we first collected the keys. They just informed that all the new houses will have crack issue regardless of which developers project. Later we found out from the site engineer (ex-employee), Ideal already knew about the land sinking issue when they were building the house. They just keep quite and only informed us when the sinking land news is leaked.
To be fair, Ideal did compensate me some money due to the land sinking issue.
I will personally be there in this Saturday to see who this Bryan is.
He can trace my IP as I send this directly from my Dua Villas home.
I am aware and sure everything is traceable. But that is not the funny part. The funny part is conveying messages from outside information (security guard to Rachael) and now to the forum which will be subject to legal actions if its wrong. Everyday we have people make silly and wrong remarks about developer, even government.
If Ideal aware of TR sinking problem, they must fix it. Now if they going to penalize someone in an open forum for spreading wrong info.. I can tell you I will stop commenting any information whatsoever because, anyone will only get their arse whipped for nothing.
But you know what, Ideal should step up and inform you guys and address this issue once and for all to save their reputation from this issue. For all who follow up in this forum, Ideal rapo is in bad situation till further notice. Please keep us all updated from your meeting this saturday. All of us can learn from how buyers manage such issue in future if it happens in other project.
Good luck.
i come prove Bryan is the owner base on forum we go thru long time ago but i was not so sure with Racheal and some new id here
anyone know why is ideal skipping item 4 in third schedule which is 2.5%
You shouldn’t worry if you are not spreading lies.
You need to see things in other perspective. Sometimes, people were mislead by wrong info unintentionally which then reached this forum. So if developer going to whack people who spread lies unintentionally, in other words – mistakes or even typo, then I reckon all property forum is a nest to trap people for developer to earn extra bucks as side income?
We all made mistakes. Simple mistakes which turns a sentence to be seen as degrading to developer and it is unlawful? I am sure you’ve been involved in this forum long enough to see phrases like “unscrupulous developer & evil speculator”. Don’t you think the people who post this should be more worry? That is why it is just a joke to me when I see such post :
Sounds like a threat to me. Lastly, I am sorry if I offend anyone. I rest my case.
Why it sounds like a threat to you if you are not Rachael Choong?
Now this is a classic. Since we are talking about IP address to trace someone, perhaps you would like to go find out yourself if my IP and her IP are the same. Only admin will have this info.
can someone explained the below?? Ideal somehow skip this(2.5%)
4. Within twenty-one (21)working days after receipt by the Purchaser of the written confirmation of the Vendor ‘s submission to and acceptance by the Appropriate Authority of the application for subdivision of the said Building
Soon we will know the answer. For those instigators, they shouldn’t rest the case, instead rest in peace.
You need to be clear that who is making huh-hah here irresponsibility. He/ she not even see the site and the house by his/ her own eyes but but keep claiming the issue is real. If his/ her statement is true, then what I saw with my own eyes is false. And you are speaking on behave of someone that you know nothing about him/ her. How sure are you that he/ she is speaking the truth? Why you believe he/ she talked to the security guard?
Of course people like me not able to trace who is commending here, but when legal action taken, those service provider need to reveal the person using the IP, including if he/ she is using company network. I am not IT guy but I think this is common knowledge.
My reminder is a threat if someone is used to manipulate the information in this virtual world. Otherwise, the guy should take it as an advice and avoid to get himself/ herself in trouble. To a point, I may challenge Ideal to take legal action on those telling lie here, to prove to the owners that TR does not have crack/ sink issue.
@Sungai Ara
You must be not following the thread. How come you still stay in the house with land sinking issue. How much Ideal pay you so that you can risk your life staying there?
It should be the the application for strata title. Ideal can’t claim this 2.5% without filing hte application.
Thanks..does this affect the OC?CF??
@Undress code
Check the IP, then we see who rest in peace. Whatever written here is useless.
Sounds personal. Go ahead. Rachael will rest in peace. I got nothing to be afraid.
Cannot make it this sat but would like know yr discussion with ideal. Sinking issue discussion is concerning but it is better to see our unit first before we speculate in cyberworld.
Goodness! This is turning into a circus! Entertaining!
Sometimes, it is good reminder (sort of warning here) to those non-genuine buyer who just want to come here to stir things up.
Not sure if they mixed some truth with some old info and also “create stories”.
Wondering if they are some jealous people or some competitors projects?
Thanks to IP traceability we can talk with more senses!
No one believes me. Its ok. I even cannot believe it myself at first. Like all owners, I just hope all turns out well and all live happily in TR
@Rachael Choong
I believe you as all projects sure have sinking and cracks. The best part of sinking is the drains which have no piling and the cracks on the walls will surely be there.
@Rachael Choong
Many here are very sensitive. They must have taken major loans and have to service for the next 30 years. So they must be angry to hear about the drains sinking and walls having cracks. Relax people…. that is normal!
@Danny Ong
That is d con of cyber world. Even casanova cheaters can b old guys or africans disgusing as gwai lou. Dua villas wall all crack liao??
@Undress code
Dua Villa also have sinking and cracked walls. That too is natural and the owners are not as touchy as you people here. You guys are hyper. I would not want to live in such a paranoid community! It will be total madness
@Danny Ong
Enough said! I have heard enough! I want to sell my unit near the pool. Anyone interested please contact me.
This forum suddenly heats up in the last couple of days. After going through all the comments from the TR buyers , some genuine while other bogus, I still don’t see the need to press the panic button yet. I agreed with Danny Ong’s view, sinking and cracking are quite normal in any housing project. My broker once took me to view an 1.4M house developed by SP Setia, I could see hair line cracks everywhere to the extend that the tiles on the kitchen wall also cracked. The broker told me that the developer will rectify every thing to the buyer’s satisfaction. If you go to iproperty’s website to see pictures of TR posted by an agent, you can see cracks along the concrete beams on the wall of the master bedroom. The concerns and anxieties of house buyers are not unfounded but we still have to see with our own eyes before making any judgement. Tight security at the guard house is understandable and should be viewed as a prevention of vandalism. It should be lauded and I hope they will provide the same kind of service after that. Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
@Danny Ong
Hey. No thks to get the greetings fr d underworld. It would b madness too
@Subsale buyer
I am glad someone is sensible enough to acknowledge that sinking and cracking is a normal phenomenon in new houses. The thing that baffles me is that why some are so touchy and sensitive. Is it because there can be no wrong with their beloved TR? Is it really so perfect as they make it out to be? Is it a healthy community with such paranoia? I would not want to neighbours with these sort of mental nutcase people. They will always want to try and pick fight for the tiniest reason. Good luck to you guys who have bought. May you always rest in peace in your houses
Thank my stars I did not buy into this place. The people here will not really make the best neighbours one can possible hope for.
I am also a owner for the TR. my advise to those who plan to stop the bank release the fund or already had done so, please get some legal advise first as you may end up need to serve interest to the developer. I had a bad experience last year when my bank made a minor technical error on the letter of offer causing the bank could not release the fund to the developer and i took time to address the technical error, i end up received a letter from the developer requesting me to pay the interest charges though they were aware of what happen to the bank issue. however a senior officer from the bank managed to get the developer to waive the late charger since the amount is small.
@Danny Ong found out my teenage kid had been responding several threads in this forum. I had advise him to stop immediately. Hungry month already pass and now should celebrate mooncake. No more rip n under world.
@Rachael Choong
Believe you the pig also can climb tree d. How come now you seldom talk about Chinese educated vs English educated d 1? That 1 more entertaining.
@Edin Gan
OK. But now the price is so not affordable everywhere d. Good luck to your house hunting ya.
@Danny Ong
If you have no time to read through the thread in details, I can help you to summarize it:
1. The meeting on this Sat, main agenda is questioning Ideal why DIBS stopped in Sep, owners start to serve the interest, and yet, only able to collect the key in Oct. I guess no issue if Ideal willing to bare the interest in Sep. No one is going to discuss about he crack issue.
2. No owners concern about the crack issue here as many of us already rectify the problem ourselves. No major crack or sink issue found.
3. But 1 gentlemen/ lady keep spreading the news that there are major crack and Ideal will take months to year to repair it, so VP in Sep/ Oct is not possible.
4. When he/ she mentioned the crack need months to year to repair, are you sure he/ she is referring to those hairline crack?
So, voice your stand. You support and believe the gentlemen/ lady that claim serious crack happen in TR? Or it is just an manipulation?
Show yourself in the meeting this Sat and tell the developer that you are very sure there are major crack, and as an owner, you want to check your units immediately. I think the owners need you as the “witness”. After that, everybody will believe you.
@Rachael Choong
Show yourself on Saturday, and I will be behind you demanding for inspection..
Don’t worry. Drawing crowd is OK for now to give additional little pressure to Ideal. It will be even better if they want to join us to meet with Ideal.
I am very sure to tell you that, you need this kind of people to deal with Ideal, rather than the slogan of our beloved party….. ‘Stability Above Chaos’.
add one more question, why notify buyers said VP now but cannot collect the key to see our units now, and have to wait until bank release money by Oct then only can collect key?? This is violating S&P.
Anyone wanna let go ur unit? I’m interested. Thanks
I have made appointment with Ms Ooi & Mr Teh this Saturday same time with your meeting. Ms Ooi will explain all the questions about the recent VP letter. But my intention is to get my key or they bare the interest until distributed the key. I already informed the VP issues to the lawyer who handling my S&P. The lawyer will check with ideal and he may attend the meeting also, hopefully. All of you are welcome to attend the meeting.
Looks like the situation is very chaotic now. Are many wanting to let go? There are a few pretending to show there is demand. This place is starting to be very sad, unlike the earlier promise of a bright future
yup i am interested to let… e mail me
@TR Owner
Again another seller trying to unload!
Manage to talk to Ideal, will arrange to get the key by Oct. Payment of interest will start this month. When i sign my S&P, was advise by my bank officer that i need to serve the interest before they hand over the key. VP means 80% of completion of the house according to Public Bank. Anyway things looks good now, everyone should be getting their keys soon… good luck for ur renovation…
@Gary Lim
Hi gary, people buy people sell, its a demand and supply equilibrium, letting go does not mean that place is bad… look at it this way, if there is high demand, then the price will go up..lets see how in a couple of years time.
to add, thanks to those super heroes working hard pass couple of months in getting pics posted and shared.. u know who you are…
Well said…
People want to buy you said fake one. People want to sell you said the place is very sad. OMG, are you always that gloomy?
If you are long enough in this property blog, you will know what’s going on.
Let me share my experience in this blog.
A desperate buyer – will try very hard in the blog to condemn the property. Make it like a nobody wants property.
will use different name in the blog to sell / let go the unit. To make it like a lot of owner is throwing the unit.
If there is any genuine owner to let go…will contact the “trapped” genuine owner to nego the price. Usually s/he will tell the genuine owner saying Mr XXX is offering me this price..and bla bla bla…
So, please be calm.
I already explained this earlier.
I don’t think the lawyer can help. They are paid by Ideal. Anyway, good try!
Well Said YoYo.
I agree with u
TR is a nice place
many sour grape in this forum
All TR genuine owner will appreciate the place.
come on lah.. you just fake up this childish scenario… i don’t think this can happen is the seller is not stupid and dump as u… this is willing seller, willing buyer market.. no one can fake up the story.. just like if the land sinking issue is real, it just a matter of time the issue will surface.. and no one can cover the story… of cause the later it happens, the loser end is always the buyer and not the developer…
After reading all the comments here (there are really a lot), I can safely conclude that the owners are a bit touchy and cannot stand comments that go against their thinking. This is just a forum. I cringe to think what these nutcases will do to other owners who try to do something else with their houses. I see a potential battle ground here with such sensitive people around. I just hope it does not escalate till the authorities have to be called in. ike what they say in Malaysia, “Gone lah!”
See see see… deperate d… have to copy other people name to tarnish TR.
@Edin Gan
Why so emo? This is an open forum wat..
Thanks Yeoh for the effort.
Anyone has better tape recorder than handphone? The SnP lawyer also is panel lawyer for Ideal and better take it down in black and white.
@Edin Gan
You also cannot stand the owners here stand up against the intruder comment. You are the same type of person, just at different side.
Very well said!
This forum has the greatest collection of owners or pseudo owners who are highly unstable and flammable. You want them as neighbours?
@Edin Gan
This place has the educated and knowledgeable residents who take initiative and stand up to protect the right as buyers. Very glad to be a residents and in neighborhood with the think-alike people.
I would rather consider this bunch to be ignorant – heads in clouds. There will be less than ten people for the meeting and ideal will be laughing. Everything has been clearly stipulated in the agreement. Ideal will consider the group on Saturday as trouble makers and will be black marked. Requests for repair works from those in the Saturday group will be attended to very very slowly. I would advise owners NOT to attend the Saturday meeting. You will be black marked. Mark my words
@Edin Gan
I cannot agree with your intention to timid the buyers to attend the meeting. We are executing our legal right as a buyer in a civilized society. If Ideal is really so unethical, then we (and the world) will learn our lesson, and I believe Ideal too will learn their lesson too very soon in the sales of their next project. I am glad that you are not a resident here.
Just to add on, some threatened too if you spread false rumours in cyber world.
I wonder what happen in real world, specially face to face. Better not knowing..
U prefer to claim credit or enjoy the fruits of other people hardwork is it? Can see that..
@Joanne Hui
I would not attend the Saturday meeting if I were you, Huat. Ideal sure will get the names and they will be black listed. All their requests for repair later will be ignored or treated last by unskilled workers. Surely Ideal will ask for the names. Do not forget, there may even be gangster contractors around after hand over of keys. Anything can happen. I advise owners not to go for the meeting. You will regret the repercussions later . By that time, it is no use crying over spilt milk!
So my advice to you is dun spread false rumours la. Not good for your kids also. Later your kids cry wolf how?
what is wrong if people said can take legal action if somebody spread rumor? Isn’t this a civilized act of an educated person? It is better than those trying to intimidate people not to claim their legal right, as somebody may take revenge in other unethical way.
@Edin Gan
as your are not a buyer, I really doubt what is your objective for trying to intimidate buyers here. Are you side with the developer? or your want to defame Ideal and associate Ideal with unethical act? Our nation will never progress if most people with your mindset.
So your advice is…
@Edin Gan
Is it a threat too? As I said, we all same type of people in this cyber-world.
Talk about the gangster contractor, no major interruption on the ~30 owners singed the petition for not using the contractor in their previous old project. Those not in the list, forced to used them. The same group of people formed the JMB within 1 year and kicked the GC and management out. So much different with what you mentioned.
Singed or signed? Simple typo changes the meaning of a sentence. This is what I meant. All of the sudden, legal actions taken for That sucks..
Haha! This typo error also can take up as an issue and sing along, can imagine your intention to comment here.
See my comment (#12). I mentioned about typo error as a possible root cause on unintentional spreading false info which others may intepret as unlawful.
I’m replying to you on the typo issue which is probably unlawful in cyberworld.
Nothing to do with TR. I just cannot imagine singing with petition. Haha..
With regards to TR, whatever Edin Gan mentioned potentially might come true.
A piece of advice, be polite when dealing with Ideal. You have no idea who you are dealing with. Luck does not side on you everytime. I’ve seen horrible things back fire.
Please, shoot me all you want but I mean no harm nor any negative influence. Peace!
I can take this advice.
For Sat meeting, I will be joining but I hope we can clear what we want.
After reading the long stretch of comments, we just want sept interest to be beared by Ideal. While we still fine to allow bank to release the money and wait till Oct to get key.
On top of this, who will be prepare document for signature and state down the wish items from buyers?
You may be right about the typo error, but I doubt the unintentional spreading false info from that gentlemen/ lady. He/ her first comment was in July I think and most of us start to worry. I managed to went into the site and found nothing. You may probably missed this part.
After a period of time, he/ she come again with the same claim. I really like to believe his/ her words so that I can decide to stop my bank from making payment, but he/ she can’t prove anything other than continue to claim the crack issue.
Now, request her to show up during this Sat meeting, tell the same thing to developer since he/ she is so sure about it, but now missing in action.
I am very sure that he/ she is firm of his/ her claim. No unintentional spreading false info. The only way that he/ she is not spreading false info is, the crack issue is real, and I never say there won’t be crack issue, but nobody able to verify it and prove it so that owners can take the next action.
I spend some time to explain to you as your last few comments seem to be more friendly. I only reply nasty comment to nasty people.
Buyers are just going to see the developer and talk about own legal right per the SnP term. Why some people keep hinted people beware for potential “revenge” in what ever form? really fishy. Are you hint that Penang(or Sg Ara/bayan Lepas) is a cowboy town and developer is above the law? This is already a different era compare to 1970s -1990s. You haven’t “Ubah” your mindset yet?
The question is “Who would dare to sign the document?” Those who do will be black listed etc. Please look at my earlier comments
Oh dear! This is a DAP lackey! Beware of those who support a party who changes poll results just so that their blue eyed boy can be voted in! This party does not do what it preaches!
If unlucky you are right and that really happen, we will let you and the world know, so you know what to do with Ideal’s future projects. So far, there are still a few phase of Vision Park and One Imperial.
Thanks bryan for understanding. No harm anyway and wish you all the best and hope no sinking and perhaps those attending the meeting On sat might end up getting the key on the spot!
Bryan, i think rachael might not appear. If she does, probably situation would be awkward based on her past comment’s style (for those who follow the forum, you’ll know what i mean)
I hint nothing.
Then she lost the last chance to prove herself. Not that I don’t want to believe her. This is cyber-world, we can’t expect people just believe you with a few sentences without prove, right?
I do not intended to make enemy although this is cyber-world. Just some comments were really testing my bottom-line.
Thanks for you support. Give you kangtao next GE k?
I think you guys should equipped some video recording during sat meeting. Not sure anyone watch on youtube Ideal C.E.O dispute.
Sincere seller,
I’m looking for a unit near guard house or clubhouse, pls email me
If you don’t intend to sell or test market, don’t email me.
Yes it’s you, always tell me someone Mr Xxx offered me higher price and til now your unit still in the market for sale. I’m feeling disgusted of yr attitude.
I sensed tremble in your laugh. Interesting…
I still don’t think I’ll join TR FB. :p
Bryan you are always welcome to the TR FB based on the track history of the way you manage and handle the discussion.
Thanks for the invitation but I always speak straight to the point and may hurt other people feeling. And also I want to keep my privacy, as mentioned earlier.
Funny to see many wants to solve problem but no one dare to stand out. Keep the privacy in the end also keep quiet in the meeting. Come on guy..
haha, I sensed that some “trojan horse” here is trying to plant fear to intimidate the buyers for attending meeting to claim our legal right. Will you talk like that if you are a genuine buyer? Remember, if we give way now, then developer know that it can manipulate buyers by fear, and very possible the situation will be same for gangster contractor problem later. But if you just analyze the situation, you can see that Ideal has much more to lose if they play it the hard way. There are over 1900 units in Vision Park (not including commercial lots yet), and if estimate average price of RM550K, the gross development value is already over billion ringgit! And you know who are the potential buyers for those projects – engineers, professionals, which is familiar with IT and news spread fast among them. We will see how Ideal going on for the dream of Legacy Creator if they messed up with this 1R legacy. But if we back up now, then very likely there will be more problems later like gangster contractor. If Ideal delay the repair work, then we can fix it with own contractor after 1.5 months notice and claim from the last 5% house price which hold by lawyer.
it is the same mother fxxker changing names to stir up thing!Bastard!
please dont attend this sarturday meeting.. you will get black-listed.. you can win the war with developer especially this nasty and no ethical one..
Oh dear, that’s means I already get blacklisted long time ago.
Now I can see the politic tactic here, what a drama.
Pls fight for your right all TR owners! That’s the right move. Now is not 70s or 80s, u have to know your right. Sad to see if Sat can not give pressure to Ideal.
Please bring along your copy of S&P and can ask the lawyer to explain about the VP related legal issue as per housing act. Really thanks Yeoh for the effort on contacting the lawyer.
I think there are only 2 simple questions need Ideal/lawyer to answer:
1.) loan interest for DIBS
2.) Get the keys to inspect the house ASAP as developer claimed VP now.
to me the 2nd item is more significant, as it will prove that the rumors is not true and no problem to OC and move in soon. The problem now is the credit-ability of Ideal is in doubt by some rumors, while no owners get their keys to inspect and verify. Item 2 will definitely impact item 1. If everything is fine, the 1 month loan interest is no big deal to buyers, but if unfortunately things go wrong, then it is long term impact to serve the loan interest before can really move in. I think this is a legal request from the buyers according to S&P and housing act and should not be a big deal for Ideal to accept. Hope to see you all there.
if you give up your right to collect keys and inspection within VP acceptance timeline, then no one can fight for you and you are all alone if later only you find your house got problem, and still need to serve the loan interest and maintenance fee. The choice is yours.
Don’t give too much hope on the lawyer. They paid by developer and speak for the rich. They still want to be panel lawyer for developer future projects.
Manage to went in to check my unit early of the week.. all looks fine no crack or sinking holes.
Looks good too just that they havent clean the house… still dirty..
Just sharing.
i also manage to sneak in yesterday.. can not see any obvious crack and defect..
my worry is still the land sinking issue after we move in.. this could happen in weeks/months or years later.. this is only my worry for now.
Much as I like to attend the meeting on Saturday, I am still not qualified as I did not sign the S&P with Ideal Property. You, the genuine buyers, have every reason to pursuit your legal rights and sort things out with Ideal. Please do it in an amicable way since some of you claimed to be highly educated and as such should be highly civilized I presumed. A hostile confrontaion with the developer would only back fire on buyers. On the other hand, Ideal Property as a responsible developer, should address to all the questions raised and help solve the problems faced by the buyers professionally. A win-win situation would prevail if all concerned are willing to adopt the ” you help me, I help you”(not an election gimmick.LOL)attitude. So, all the best for a fruitful meeting.
I will be joing tomorrow….
9 am to meet up to know each others and we can talk to developer at 10 am.
See you all there…..
Sorry for not able to join tonight pre-discussion as hv other stuffs to do.
Desperate d… Has to resort to copycatting. Dun worry la, my English is not as good as yours 1. Haha..
New update available in the TR FB group regarding the meeting tomorrow. Meeting still on & time still the same. Let’s do the discussion in the TR FB.
Haha… Good try, Joanne. But since your master is too busy infighting now. I guess they won’t have time to give u a good pad at your back la…
Received letter from ideal to collect the key and was requested to make payment for access card, quit rent, fire insurance and management fee
@Joanne Hui
Those not even dare to use own ID and hide behind other people’s ID, what help you can provide? This is cyber-world and you still chicken-out to use own ID, what is great about you? And you are so afraid of people attending the meeting, isn’t it better for all owners go there and fight for you, get blacklisted, and you hide behind? Don’t embarrass yourself. Although we don’t know who you are, but you can’t escape from yourself. We live for honor and responsible for our own, not for other people. You will be ashamed with your childish act after you grow up.
Don’t know why, reply other people’s bad comment, I will be a bit emotional. But for this one, I laugh all the way.
Looking to let go my unit
Mail if interested.
I do not intend to start a debate, my apology if my writing offended anybody. I said I am not qualified to attend the meeting since I signed the S&P with the first hand buyer rather than Ideal Property. Moreover, I am not directly affected by the late issue of VP/OC because in my case, the bank will only release the loan after OC is obtained and I am given three months grace period before starting the monthly repayment. I am in no hurry to move to TR. Like I said before, I will only start renovating my house after CNY but I am ever ready to pay for the monthly maintenance fee as early as from next month. Good news is the seller called just now telling me that he had been informed by Ideal Property to collect the keys at the end of the month. So, it’s a happy ending.
I’ve received the letter too. Any major difference to collect the key later?
what is the status of the meeting?
Wonder why (when i compared the forums) there are much less complaints during the handover int Sathu and Dua period?
@CS Buyer
There is actually no different, if you take away the comments from me and the replies to my comments. The whole main reason is because TR have a buyer like me. I like this project very much and like to discuss over and over about it, be it good or bad things. And also trying to share my experience to answer some of the questions from others owners. And I don’t like FB, so, here I am. And this attracted a lot of nonsense comments from non-owners that make me turn to be rude. Discussion become argument and ended out of control.
So, when I stop, this forum will be quiet. Let’s see.
Almost sure there are ideal staff on this forum.
Same thing happened during other projects. There will be pseudo owners who sound like they have issues with the developer but implicitly ‘helping’ developer explain decisions
Who has the most to gain with all the meeting cancelation or blacklist threat comments?
Bryan, I saw many ppl invite you the join FB, but you reluctant just because you said privacy, I dont know if you are the rich and famous want so much of privacy and wat privacy can you actually do good for the project ? no doubt your debate is full of facts but wat you can do good for this projects when you not even bother to join the owner group, this like LPPL talk good but do nothing good in fact. just my 2 cents as a proud owner.
Hi! Dear TR owners:
Managed to drive in without being stopped at the guardhouse this morning. Went straight to my house, the door was opened and my family and I had a field-day going through every corner of the house. Everything seemed okay not even a single hairline crack except a chipped tile on the kitchen wall. Only the small wet kitchen really caught us off guard. We didn’t expect it to be that small and within “touching distance” from the toilet. Another sore point is the dry yard which really has to be fenced up or walled up otherwise, there would be no privacy for the guest room occupant.
We also went to the resort like club house. It’s really marvelous, I am particularly attracted to the common area with 4 ‘tree like’ pillars. The air-coned nursery and function room are pleasant surprises. The surrounding is very conducive and I must say that all of us are very satisfied.
Don’t be unduly affected by all the negative comments posted by those recalcitrance. They are afterall not going to stay there. Go and see for yourself and you would be happy that you had made a right decision.
Ha ha I sense both written by the same person…..the irony of internet… no one knows the truth…
They are my ma chai. I sincerely apologize for their rudeness, childishness, and ah ji ah jo here.
I will scold them when I see them next time.
From the history of this forum, I think such open forum has served a good purpose to deliver information and benchmark of developers’ sincerity – which help house buyers to gain the check-and -balance power to gain appropriate attention from developers. Good job dudes and hope to see more such discussion in other forum as well.
Owners… if you wait for OC, and then wait for the retention pond to complete, or even better wait for Setia Triangle to complete, you might be able to sell the smallest unit at >1.5M. My conservative guess.
Latest on Mudah. Asking price for smallest unit is 1.1M.
If people who ‘sound’ desperately want to sell and say something like ‘I’m going to sell at much lower price’, or ‘I don’t mind selling at way below 1.1M’, are definitely not genuine desperate sellers.
Most probably genuine desperate buyers.
Let see what the “hazers” are going to say.
Ha hah… my buddy from TR FB just posted 10 gorgeous photos of TR here in this forum. Scroll up and check the photos, there are 10 of them.
Hazers, have you found a unit yet? Clock is ticking.
For those claim sinking please show the picture of the sinking and crack.
Please don’t take other phases project or doctored the picture.
I m interested to see it.
ai ya.. sinking issue won’t happen immediately..
but the previous land sinking issue in dua villa prove that the land is not stable for this region… now the developer has did some quick patch up work but this doens’t guaranttee this issue won’t surface forever… it may happen 5 years or 10 years later on…
Ask Joanne Hui to show her sinking la…. ha ha ha
Even though this is TR forum, perhaps you can share with us the picture of sinking on Dua Villa? From what I understand, it’s only on the backyard and porch, as they did not do piling on backyard and porch. Ideal has learned from this, and implement the solution in TR. And there is no backyard for TR…
Are you sure? How sure are? Level of being sure? Or perhaps you are unsure?
Ha ha ha… I laugh first. U sounded so old, long winded and desperate. Life must be very difficult for u.
Ha ha ha…
Let them “sink” the song. The much they “sink”, the much they “song” and the much the readers able to read how mental disorder they are. Debate seriously with fact has no effect on barbarians. Save your energy. Let them continue to sink in their life and we go ahead to “song” with our new home.
Good point Bryan. I’ll just ignore them. Debate also no use, as they still use the same ‘isu basi’ or ‘isu lapok’.
Switching mode.
I think we shouldn’t distracted by unconstructive comments.
If the house really sunk and IF you’re one of the owner who really care about TR, then pls provide a constructive recommendation. Otherwise, you can choose to sell or hold. It’s your house and you can decide what to do. No point to “pollute” this forum!
If the house really sunk and IF you’re NOT the owner BUT care about TR, then pls provide a good recommendation to owner on how to solve the problem. Otherwise, no point to comment so much here because that’s not your house because that’s not your business.
If there’s drastic change in TR price because of anything else and as an owner of TR, you can decide what to do with your property. Keep or hold is up to you. Nobody will always make a right decision in our life, please understand this is truth of our life. No point to argue so much here. Don’t pollute this forum!
If you’re NOT the owner of TR and doesn’t have a constructive recommendation on any kind of issue in TR, then you’re most welcomed as reader but don’t pollute this forum with your non-sense comment.
Of course, I’m the proud owner of TR that’s why I hope to keep this forum as constructive as possible.
Hi! Dear TR owners:
I am back. Actually I intended to sign off for good but somehow discovered that my last comment was taken off by the admin. for reason best known to them. I joined this forum because I bought a duplex unit in TR and hoped to share some ideas and experiences with my future neighbours. But sad to say, about half of the comments posted here are nonsense, baseless speculations with sheer intention of pure malice. To be honest, TR is by far one of the better if not the best designed G & G housing projects on Penang Island. There is no denying that sinking or cracking problems may creep up in months or years to come but as long as the main structure is not affected, it wouldn’t be a serious problem.
Now that the VPs are issued and owners are given the keys, everyone would be busy looking for contractors, IDs to make the house as comfortable as can be, let’s us REAL owners of TR enjoy our new homes and forget about all those green-eyed monsters whom may still come in droves in their vain effort to dampen our spirits. Let them post whatever “syiok sendiri” comments here because at the end of the day, they know jolly well that they had missed the boat.
This is my last posting because I too will be very busy in the months to come and have no time to write in this forum. Hope to meet you all real owners in persons real soon. So long.
I have photos that show the sinking and crack issue.
Pls advise how to upload them in this forum.
No as serious as Dua Villas but still quite significant.
@Joanne Hui
Already shared the photos in TR Facebook.
You can review the photos there.
@Danny Ong
Anyone in TR FB group can confirm the cracking/sinking issue? Thanks.
@Danny Ong
You can send your pictures to admin. But don’t know if admin will post up such pictures.
If there are such pictures… Do you trust a non owner like him that claim he sneaked in to take pics of other people house defect?
The member of TR FB posted a very very nice photo, panoramic view of the pool, the garden, the house. Hopefully it will be posted here soon.
If you happen to own G n G, like Tree Residency, you should be happy. Read on…
Management team installed. They are busy preparing the joint inspection and key handover, started 30th Sep. Now the appointment for the joint inspection already full for the first week, if I am not mistaken. However, many owners already can access to the site now.
I bought my LED down light at RM40 each, expensive?
And what is the market price for LED strip? I got a quote of RM100 per 5m included a driver (can support up to 10m).
I don’t really care whether these people spread rumors due to envy or hoping for panic selling to buy lower?
I am thinking whether should we also highlight to the developer.
This is because all this “big crack (not just hairline crack) or sink” issues are tarnishing their reputation more than the TR.
They may consider legal action to trace the perpetrators if it is found to be untrue. This can be tracked down using the MCMC.
Otherwise these people are wasting our forum space talking unproductive stuff.
@CS Buyer
I agree. It is unethical and Ideal should take some action.
Seems like you know some people inside Ideal. Maybe you can log report to them.
They said they are working on something regarding the rumors. But I don’t want to know how they do it or what action they are going to take. Leave it to them la.
That’s good. If they make it a court case, it is not that difficult to track down the people who create false rumours. I kind of pity the people who create the rumours now. I would be worried if I were them.
I m not surprise if they take some form of legal action.
After all their overall One Residence GDV already near (may be exceeded) in a Billion RM range.
Not too late for those spread lies to stop. A lesson for all to be a responsible Netizens
Setia Greens might be facing alot of problems, be it in finding subsales buyers, security issue for owner occupiers, or any other issue that only the owners there aware. Else why so many of their owners need to resort to attacking and spreading lies about other project?
Thanks god their identity has been uncovered. Who would be their next target I wonder..
Rachael Choong and Danny Ong..where are u??
We (TR owners) are civilized people and let’s not talk bad things about other properties. Setia Greens, has pro and cons, same like TR and other properties. To me Setia Greens houses are okay, the problem are some of the owners/speculators. They bring really bad impression to Setia Greens. People (or maybe just a person) like Danny, Rachel, Penang Homes, Rick saw and few others who always attack and bad mouthed other properties… who would want to be neighbours with them..?
I would be worried if I were them, if it is true that Ideal is taking action. I hope Ideal is taking action soon. They probably would not dare to drop by at TR forum again…
Busy discussing with lawyers?
One of the photo on 25/8/13 shown just “swings” on the children playground?
Check the 18/9 photos..
There are 1 main playground and 3 sub-playgrounds. The main playground is just beside the club house/ swimming pool. The one with only swing is a sub-playground at the right hand side of the guardhouse. There is another sub-playground at the left hand side of the guardhouse, but now they change it to relax area as only benches and recreation items available. Another sub-playground is very isolated, hidden at a corner. haven’t been there yet, so not sure what is available there.
1 more public playground will be available in front of TR, after Ideal Haus completed.
You got kids like playground?
There is one public play ground in front of Ideal Haus? Sweet.
Yes, check this out. It is 2 mins walking distance from TR guardhouse.
Why did you get banned? And which name are you referring to…?
I’m guessing Ideal’s lawyers have started to call all the hazers. This really clears up the ‘air’ in this forum.
May be … news is good news?
Dont worry it will be “Lau Juak” once the reno kick in.
There is a lot of good discussion/sharing in TR FB group. If you are owner and have not joined yet, I highly suggest you join.
A lot more good photos shared in TR FB…
Yes, my girls love it. I’m quite disappointed with the sub playground – only swings, it shows that the developer is quite stingy. The playground at Sathu better.
Yes, my girls love it. I’m quite disappointed with the sub playground – only swings, it shows that the developer is quite stingy. The sub playground at Sathu better.
Hi there,
Can someone add me in TR FB.
I am getting my house key tomorrow noon for my Semi-D inspection after vacant possession.
I am not very sure if it’s comfortable to live in TR.
Jeffrey Ooi
@Jeffrey Ooi
You need to contact mookster. He will then need to verify your unit number, and all, before he can add you in.
None of the owners know. It depends on your taste how to make you home comfortable to you right? Maybe people like Danny Ong and Rachel can give some inputs, whether comfortable or not, even though they are not owners. They might be worried now as Ideal might take action on the people who spread false rumours (as discussed from post #153).
Is this a good place to stay?
Mass-key collection and join inspection started today. Some owners who attend the meeting with Ideal a couple of weeks ago managed to collect the key last week.
Enjoy your day!
Then you should buy the units facing the Club house. Many item for your children to play there.
I like the swing only playground because my children like it. No other items make the playground will only be used by the units nearby, less crowd and noise. There is actually a punching bag for adult too. So, I think it is lovely if my unit is just besides it. Normally I hate units beside the playground because of noise. This one seem to be OK to me.
Checked my house. Only some minor cracks.
The rest is OK
I have added you in and i assume the one that i added in the same person in this forum. So, pls response to the detail request and welcome to the FB Group.
Collected the key since last week and has started to use the facilities and just waiting for the renovation criteria and ascertain the spec on the exterior do and don’ts before starting the reno process
When will you move in? I probably wait after CNY.
I’m interested in 22×70 unit facing south for own stay, interested owner please contact me at No agent please!
Developer will pass us the renovation criteria? I will collect mine this week.
Doing planning and collecting contractor and ID information. I will also take it slow.. and also after CNY
hi, can you add me in TR FB as well? i sent the request but not get approved… how do you want to verify my unit number?
Unifi is not available in TR……….. too bad!!!
Not Available YET la……i m sure TM wont miss the good business here. so many competitors….
Cafu – 1 of the admin in helping to get the approval fast track. Hope that you get in soon. We may have sent the message request and got into your OTHER Message mailbox. So check that out.
Hi Mookster, where did you leave the message? I do not get it from FB yet…
Check on your FB Message and there is another folder called OTHER. To date, screen and joined in the TR FB Group neighborhood community has grown to 80 community members.
The sign board with “IDEAL ONE RESIDENCE” is in progress of setting up at the junction to Jln Tun Dr Awang. Why must put the word “IDEAL”? And what will going to be setup on the smaller wall with green background? Could it be the name of the leisure park there? Maybe name it as “IDEAL PARK”?
and also everyone arriving PG via flight, first thing is the “Setia Pearl Island”- the roundabout with SP Setia advert sponsor.
coz Ideal wants to develop their brand mah, like SP setia… you can see the big setia pearl island from far far away
Something good I suppose, when they bench mark themselves with branded, logically they will work to improve and fulfil their customer request better I guess.
IDEAL is trying to rebuild the overall developers reputation and putting some effort on addressing the concerns of the home owners. I can sense that. Having the big signboard up is to showcase that they are 1 of the major developer in Northern region i think.
Hopefully the Heng Ee school won’t become IDEAL Heng Ee school, and the SIS won’t become IDEAL SIS later, because IDEAL is the contractor. :p
Hahaha.. maybe they will stamp on the building “proudly build by IDEAL”
It’s actually good for IDEAL to put their name branding.
That means they are serious and will take care of One residence for long long time as their image is at stake too. dont really mind being use as advertisement tool as long as it is win-win to residents as well. There are many pockets of projects in Sg Ara /Relau that you hardly know who the developer are….i also dont wish to comment on their quality and workmanship.
On Setia, well like it or not their residents will be heavy user of 1 RESIDENCE roads connecting to Tun Dr Awang road. It will be irony if those people come to condemn Ideal/1 residence project.
went to HomeDec just now, anyone look at the security netting system – Pros’net ? any comment?
Also, anyone get the renovation spec yet? can we install solar panel?
any recommendation for alarm systems? is wireless reliable? saw one offer at rm1,099 (under Sensoss) …. am thinking about it.
Any one selling a 22 x 100 unit? Please let me know. Thanks