Tree Residency @ One Residence
“Less is more” is the design philosophy of notable architect Ludwig Mies van de Rohe. With the Tree Residency, the values of minimalism are fully exuded, conveying a sense of harmony that comes from simplicity.
The minimalism in Tree Residency, however, is not one of emptiness, but one that is out of the box, with bold use of lines, geometry and ratio instead of fluff to achieve a clean and elegant look. More importantly, the materials used to construct Tree Residency are environmentally friendly, as such bringing its inhabitants close to nature.
The overall design of Tree Residency is skewed towards garden living, with eight different designs to suit the different requirements of buyers. The club facility of Tree Residency is complete with badminton court, half-sized Olympic pool and other recreational facilities that will bring out the athlete in you.
Location : One Residence, Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Corner Duplex, Link Duplex, Twin Villa
Land Tenure : Freehold
Total Units: 316
Developer : Ideal Property
Contributed by reader (Update 27/2/13)
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Contributed by reader (Update 24/6/13)
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Contributed by reader (Update 25/8/13)
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Contributed by reader (Update 18/9/13)
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Interesting Layout, Interesting Design,Interesting Concept, but takut developer only. Any comments?
Today pass by the construction site and foundation work started.
Road widening for phase 1 was progessively roll out
How much is the selling price?
1.2 mil for intermediate
wats the panel bank?
Any units left for this project and what is the price?
Any owner to let go their unit? I am interested to get 1. Thanks
Lim, please list your contact here. Thanks.
Btw, what is your offer price?
Anyone wanted to let go? I am interested as well.
I have one unit at Dua Villas – One Residenece double storey terrace house to let go, size 22×75 ft. Price RM 980K.
My budget is RM850K for Dua Villas. Let the first buyer make 100K and 980K is out my budget. Would it be ok?
Beware EDDIE WOO “China Steel” / with Jiabaoyi Industrry S/B truck. Took my the deposit and can’t deliver the grill door he promise. I have talk to a few owners affected by this BIG lier. At first he looks like a good guy after getting the deposit turns ugly.. car no plate: PKH7355 white BMW share by the a Singh & Eddie. Will launch a police report and write to Ideal and management.. i just don’t want to see this people in the area. Others affected pls write to management too… will joint to take legal action towards Eddie Woo.
Yes, not his but all of them are BIG LIAR and I also kena. Never ever facing this type of contractor before. Now no more BMW and Proton EXORA.
I heard the wall of Dua is cracking? Is that true? Does it affect the whole one residence?
I am interested on Dua Villas, call me 012-7553065
Bumi lot released, i just called. RM938k for 22×70
for this pricing, better buy Siara 81, later enjoy Setia Greens Pond
Heard that someone offer 1.2M for Setia Greens, this makes Tree Residency looks relatively cheap.
Is tree residence land structure ok?
As I scare the cracking issue on Dua Villa will happen on Tree Residence as well
But I do like the environment of TR, just that scare of the sinking issue…
Are they the IDEAL authorized gangster contractors? or the contractors which you choose outside?
Someone mentioned that Ideal issues 20 years warranty for Dua Villa. Surprisingly Sathu doesn’t have this problem. Anyway, TR supposed to be the best in One Residence, and those bumi lots seems to be cheaper than some asking price of Sathu and Dua.
Mind share your experience with gangster contractor? Do you report police?
I think the same initially. Check Siara 81 unit last month, 860K. Some selling 880K. When enter the house feel normal. Not bad yet not impressive. Open the back door, all the foreigner’s squatter are your neighbor.
And need to pay agent fee 8.5K, legal fees….. So, I look for TR now.
Those gangster contractors are “authorized” by Ideal. Better don’t offend them.
I will advise the owners just buy the sands and cements from them if you do not want to hire them to renovate your house. It will save you the trouble in the long run if Ideal still runs the management office.
Ideal is the big brother. Just ask those previous buyers from Ideal earlier projects. They can tell you all the interesting story dealing with Ideal.
Although I against this type of culture but…..
I eventually gave in by buying sands & cements from them & let them do the window grills….to save all the troubles in long run…..
But there do got some peoples really report police & make it public…example….Batu Lancang Central park…came out in the newspaper…… below are the contacts of the Ketua Police Negara & Penang… can always log a E report to them if you want….
@Sungai Ara
Mind share how the gangster contractor operates? Do they setup their base at the guard house or inside the residential area?
Don’t ever report to the police. They will create nightmare for you.
I also bought sands and cements and hire them to do the grills for me but the workmanship is very bad and I have to change everything after 2 years. (Typically the contractor will station in your apartment for 2 years).
My neighbor refused to pay the “rubbish” fees and the contractor really make sure other contractor cannot enter the buildings. Moreover, they threaten my neighbor to watch his back when walk inside the apartment. He eventually give in but luckily he managed to sell his apartment with some profit.
If you buy for speculating purpose, there is no harm to buy from ideal, but if for own stay, please think twice.
You will not miss them. They will call you and pay a visit to you as soon as the OC obtained.
The guard will also tell you the “authorized” contractor name when you move in.
They will set up a booth and pile up all the cements bags.
Until today, I am still amazed by their ability to obtain my contact number without my consent.
I checked with my lawyer and Ideal, they both denied giving my contacts to the contractor. But Ideal admitted that those contractor is “authorized” by them and asked us to cooperate with them if possible.
Well….birds of a feather flock together, people say…….
@Sungai Ara
Since Sathu and Dua just obtained their OC and TR will be completing soon, do we expect to see them active now at One Residence? Anyone owner here can share your experience?
@Sungai Ara
Not that bad la….. I stay in their “product” also, and fight for own contractor as well. My contractor also gangster type, and we also reported police. If everybody group together, they can’t touch you. If you act individually, sure not that easy.
Anyway, my friend in Sathu still able to use their own contractor without interruption. Anyone can verify that?
Ic, so Ideal promise to fix the Dua Villa issue with 20 years warranty.
The Dua Villa sinking is because of the land issue? I heard the land was used for plantation last time..
Your contractor is more “gangster” than Ideal contractor?
I thought Ideal one is already the “Big Brother” and no one can touch them as the guard mentioned that police is their “good brother”.
I dare not report to the police as I am still staying in their “product”. You are a brave man!
Yeah. I guess only plantation land or reclaimed land are available for houses in Penang nowadays..
Glad to know that no gangster contractor at Sathu. I heard IJM projects are not spared by them. How about SP Setia projects?
I am not really sure. I hear from friend’s friend only. That’s why wish to verify here.
@Sungai Ara
Not me. I just attach to a group ~30 owners with a few brave leaders. But because I want it fast, end up I still get the sand, cement and brick from them, through my own contractor. I think they finally work together to share the profit. Our groups leaders were untouched by them eventually.
One of our initial leader was hit by a car and seriously injure and no one dare to stand up since. A lot of speculation on how and why the accident happened. Anyway, he sold his apartment after the accident and we never see him again.
It is glad to hear that Sathu might be clean from gangsterism. Hopefully after the son took over the management from the old father, he will stay away from the “dirty money” tactic.
Yes, all owner in Dua V and my friend in Sathu , they all still able to use their own contractor without interruption.
938K? Is it worth buying since it is only 2 sty.
What is the spec given? 2X2ft tiles ground & first floor? Plaster ceiling?
Existing TR owner please share the spec stated in S&P.
Glad to hear that ….hope that IDEAL can really transform to become a developer that deliver real “IDEAL HOMES” be professional & don’t play hanky panky dirty tricks anymore……. Lets keep monitor & see how……….
Just because too many hanky panky, so, name of IDEAL appear??@penang100percent
Yes, 2×2 tiles for both ground and first floor.
Plaster ceiling provided on some of the area..
I am not sure more level is better for landed property. I personally don’t like to climb staircase. Elder folks would have problem if there is no room at the ground floor. I think the overall build-up size is more important than number of storey.
@Sungai Ara
It is good to share experience on the gangster contractor but I hope you are not trying to intimidate others for not making police report with some “stories”. Everyone should make police report and now police is also track by KPI… they need to close the cases also. If a lot of reported case, police has to do something – or it go public. Central Park is a success case and should be the example. My friends stay there never pay a cent(or buy materials) to the gangster contractors.
There is show house available for viewing if you are interested.
You can check on the spec.
Dear valued customers,bumi
released lots of Tree
Residency @ One Residence
are now open for booking.
Show units are available for
viewing at project site from
19th to 30th(Wed to Sun)Time:10am to 6pm.Pls bring along your cheque book
for booking at RM35k.Call
04-6456888 for more info.TQ
What is the actual built up of TR, 22X48?
To me, DST normally fully utilize the area, but 3 story terrace, normally 3rd level under utilize. Some comes with funny funny design, worst with only 2 rooms at 2nd level.
And 22X70 land, means 140sf additional land you get compared to typical 20X70.
But, 938K still very expensive to me……
The layout above says built up is either 2280 and 2435 sft for the intermediate units.
Setia Greens land area is only 20×65′. Short and narrow. The master bed room is located at top floor. A little inconvenient. And costs 20% more.
By calculation, 22X48, X 2 stories = 2112 only. I guess the 2280 maybe included the balcony. Will try to do a more details calculation when free.
Thanks for your input.
Setia Green built up should be bigger than TR, because 3 story? I did not study the layout of other project as I think TR layout already utilize almost every inch of the house. Then 2280sf is more useful than 3 story terrace with slightly bigger built-up.
Personally prefer bigger land area, otherwise, buy condo better if only built-up is matter.
Setia Greens has slightly bigger total built up because of 3 storey. But its 20×42′ built up area makes it looks really congested.
I prefer the 24×48′ layout. 😀
Then TR 22X48 better. I like double story with bigger floor plan.
24X48 too expensive, and I don’t know how to appreciate the courtyard……. You are the early buyer for TR? Type 24? Admire that time can get it with 7xxK….
Done my calculation for type 22:
Level 1: 995sf net
Level 2: 1150sf net
Balcony: 130sf
Car Porch: 512sf
Dry Yard: 33sf
Total Internal built-up: 2145sf (plus balcony 2275sf)
Total External Area: 675sf
Total Usable Area: 2820sf
Thanks Heng.
Sounds like 938K is a bit expensive for 22X48 build up but well this is Penang island. Besides release of Bumi lot, not sure they keep any director lot? Director lot cheaper or just better location/lot?
Are we still entitle for DIBS if taking bumi lot?
Yes. And waive the legal fee, except MOT.
The bumi lot have just been release and available for purchase @ around 900k.
@Justin Hong Leong
How many units still available? Are all homes fiber optic ready?
tree residence is 22×48? while sathu is 22×75?
I think they talk about built-up. I believe land size is 22×75.
22X48 is referring to the house area. Land area is 22X70.
The cheapest unit should be 938K.
Just back from the show house. 938K, left 3 units. The rest are either type 24 or corner unit. never check about the fiber optic readiness.
thx Bryan & PG Guy for the explanation, anyone know what’s the pro/con between sathu/dua/tree?
Just came back from the show unit. Very impressive. DIBS still available. 938K with 35K cheque for booking. Following with 10% payment within a month during S&P signing.
– Pro: Bigger land and built-up. Have back yard. Ready to move in. Less units. Feel like the ceiling is higher.
– Con: Up stairs use smaller tiles. Sub-sales slightly more expensive than Tree, and need to pay legals fee. Higher maintenance fees. Only East or West facing for typical units. Smaller swimming pool.
Dua – Don’t know. Just know got crack issue. And expensive because of bigger size.
– Pro: Use 2X2 tiles on both levels. Bigger swimming pool. Cheaper maintenance fees. All unit North or South facing. Balcony with glass. Still got DBIS and waive legal fees.
– Con: Smaller land and built-up. Double the units of Sathu. Lower ceiling height. Smaller Kitchen. Still under construction.
Hi Bryan, really thx for the details. I’m going to the showroom tomorrow.
Will pay a visit on Sathu residence too.
I’ve finally booked a unit for Tree Residency. However my wife doesn’t like it due to needs to pay maintenance. Furthermore in future when property price hit more than 1 mil, people has a lot of other choices and why they choose TR.
My explanation is in future when people afford to buy > 1mil property, they will opt for safety which is G&G property.
just went during lunch hour. 938k units gone dy…
Hi daniel,
Do you see cracking issue on Tree Residency show unit or Sathu villa? Thanks.
Will only go to view Sathu this weekend. However for Tree residency i didn’t observe any crack.
I saw 1 unit 938K still available just now. Probably someone cancel the booking. Act fast……
Thanks Daniel.
Will pay a visit to the site next week when back to Penang.
Hopefully still got unit left.
Will purchase one this morning. 24*70 at RM1.03. Wife love it. The pro is only G&G.
The pro is only G&G? Or you actually want to say the con?
To me, G&G is good and will be future trend. Not sure about landed on island, but my previous landed at mainland, ppl still ask all owners to pay RM80 per month to form a security system in their garden. This sure not success because you can’t implement it unless supported by 100% owner. Then, there are private security service come to your door bell, want to provide the security service to you, about ~RM50 per month. Sound like something wrong, right? It is like kind of “pao fu fei”, but you can choose not to take it. However, the feeling is no good because they know you and your living place, and also heart news that windows glass or car windscreen broken for those do not have the security service. Of course this is the worst case.
With G&G, we form our own security and manage our own community. Just joint and be part of the future JMC/ JMB. We have right to choose the management team and more professional security firm.
Ideal has done a great job so far in solving these problems in Dua Villas. The boss and the project teams have agreed to fix all the cracking problems in backyard as well as in car porch. Well I guess nowadays every new house also has the cracking problem.
More importantly, Ideal agreed to pay the maintenance fees on behalf of Dua Villas owners until all these problems have solved.
Good Job! Ideal.
Ideal contractor informed that the land at One Residence is not fully settling yet. They expect the area to be sinked further to allow the land to be fully settle down. Moreover, the FV condo construction also added the weight to the surrounding area.
Anyway, Ideal management promised to repair all the potential crack for the next 3 years until the completion of the FV condo. The land will eventually settle down.
E&O Seri Tanjung Pinang so expensive also face the same land sinking issue. We are lucky that we do not pay so much as the E&O owner.
Hopefully Ideal will help to drill the car porch and back yard area every 5 year and tie to the main foundation structure to make sure the house structure is strong enough to withstand the land sinking problem. E&O has done that 2 years ago and they will help to do it again 10 years later.
Any other up-coming landed property in the island except for Teluk Kumbar and Balik Pulau? Demand for it still very strong.
@Sungai Ara
Tree Residence is just beside FV, is it mean that Tree Residence will suffer crack issue in future?
Will it be serious like Dua Villa?
The 1 peace of land beside Dua Villa, is for Heng Yik branch? Anyone have latest new on it? And the construction besides TR is a market? Wet market?
I went to see the house but somehow it didn’t give me the great feeling which I expected to get from house at this price. The build quality is not up to Setia and the back room is kinda small too. I saw they painted yellow color on a part for the exterior wall but I still prefer the grey color which shown in the initial brochure.
The grey (purple grey) is for terrace. Those yellow color are semi-D. You never enter the showhouse? The show house is with the grey color.
I think they use red bricks for walls in between of each house in TR. Not sure about Setia Greens. I still feel that Setia Greens 20×42′ build up is too small.
Should it be Tree Residency or Tree Residences? Looking at the naming convention, I think the latter sounds better.
Tree Residency means tree citizen…
Tree Residences means tree houses….
What about Sathu Terraces and Dua Villas… is it referring to Citizen or Houses? Erm… 😉
Can’t find Sathu in English dictionary. If you search Sathu in FB, it is groups related to Pakistan, India….. Dua just simply means 2, I think.
I saw it when I passed there again. I didn’t notice it at first because I just walked into the showroom. I prefer the grey color than the yellow.
True. The grey color look nice. The yellow color….. no comment. Worst is the owner cannot changed until the management approve, and the change should applied to all semi-D with yellow color to other agreed color. Then, change to which color will be another debate.
How come the car porch using cheap cement instead of tiles!!! How much can it be to apply tiles for the car porch!!!??? The house already RM1,033,000 (24×70). Just add extra 4K to get tiles floor. Total RM1,037,000. Do you see the difference? Lately, I see a few properties come with cement. I know cut cost but don’t cut too much! Furthermore, the balcony railing is also normal steel with glass. I thought it is stainless steel.
Good observation! I never realize that the car porch is cement (with color and some “design”, right?). The dry yard is also a plain cement. Not sure will get the crack issue later on. I am OK with the balcony railing, but the staircase railing is really cheap. Some more, no skirting for the staircase until the 1st floor.
I’ve been to Sentral Green at Relau (Showroom) and it is the best house design/concept I’ve seen for that price range. Build quality also not bad but it is sad TR is not up to the standard. Yes, I know it is 3storey shouldn’t be compare.
I agree with you partially. Sentral Green is nice to see, but not really practical, unless you really have budget >100K for renovation.
To me, the strength of TR is all about back to basic. Many minor design error of many project I attended, get corrected with TR design.
1. Car porch, your car is fully shielded. Awning required for many projects.
2. Correct main entrance location. Many projects, even new project now is having the master bedroom toilet above the main entrance. My relatives always point out this. i am not sure what is the problem, could be feng shui matter.
3. Privacy of living room. Many projects are having the walk way through the living room, which will interrupt the living activities.
4. Rectangle shape of dinning and kitchen. Easy for design and renovation with lower cost.
5. Just nice balcony size with shielded. It is ready and not too big for easier maintenance. Many projects need only provide the area and you have to built the balcony by your own, including the awning.
6. Right location of the master room door, master bathroom and bathroom entrance. This enable you to built a changing room perfectly.
7. 2 2nd room with own bathroom. Many project provided shared bathroom.
8. Air well to enable the sun light enter to the 1st floor living hall. Many projects only have darkness at this area. However, I heard that the air well will be removed due to leaking problem. Not sure how true is it.
9. This is the most important to me, it is double story with 22X70. The built-up is almost the same with some 3 story terrace.
Having say this, I still feel the 938K is too expensive….. he he!
Not many new 2storey house in PG, this is one of the few but too pricey. Later still need to spend for reno. Have to look for old house to buy
Too risky to buy, 1 mil many ppl will become bank slave for rest of life
If not buying house, you will also be a bank slave.
1. Buy car.
2. Credit card.
In fact, housing loan is the lowest interest product from bank. And some you can make money out of it.
If not buying anything, you also save your money in bank, waiting for depreciation.
Besides, also serving insurance, and inflation….
Bottom line, end of every month money will not stay in your pocket. Then, I prefer housing installment, for stay, saving and long term investment.
The good things about this TR design is saving a lot of renovation cost. If take away the furniture, I only need about 50~60K.
The other thing is, although it is double story, the built-up is almost the same with some 3 story house which is selling cheapest 950K in SPI, >1M for Setia Green (20X65), and bayan Residence….
yeah, i fully agrees that sentral green built materials/quality & finishing & is better than a lot of houses, even better than some houses built by mah sing and SP setia… their empty house is almost in “move-in” conditions…. too bad, it’s too late and also out of my budget..
Mah Sing Southbay Residences look nice. How’s the quality/material & finishing?
Sentral Green, at Relau valley……. ~1.1M! The project itself is not bad, but the surrounding not so nice, IMHO.
Southbay is using clay bricks, design not as model as Sentral Green. Now asking >1.2M…….
worse thing is , its not gated.. very risky. sentral green.. opposite people can come over use your playground
but relau location is very bad and jam
Relau is known as foreign village n many crooks living there. Think teice before commit 1.2mil loan for such a unsafe place
@Dress code
I agree with Dress code
True. 1 of the reason I considered TR is that, the whole piece of land is developed with plan. The near by flat or LMC, is actually a distance away. Even if considered higher end condo, it is less (Only Fiera Vista, or maybe Reflection). So, most of the sky in that area is unblocked. The only concern is whether there will be future development at the land with kampung houses near the Jalan Makhamah. If yes, hopefully it will be landed instead of condo.
Besides, yes, it is G&G. This is 1 of the criteria when I search for landed property. And, TR maintenance fee is cheaper than the condo I am staying now.
I thought that piece of land at jalan mahkamah beside TR will be a recreation lake per IDEAL’s sell plan, NO? Is Ideal change their mind and put in something else???
The lake is beside TR. I see along the jalan mahkamah got a 3 storey grey/white terrace with commercial lot opposite the road. Which project it that?
Sorry that I am not aware of the lake location. It will be great if that will be the lake. I just started to read more regarding One Residence.
Really? Must find time to visit there again. Every time pass by, only pay attention to TR….
1 mil $ house, crazy crazy
The design is good. All the space design perfectly at the right size.
Any good interior design website that could be shared for reference?
Yes, the design is good, except the dry yard and the door location of 1 of the smaller rooms at 1st floor. I am referring to 22 type.
Start you ID so early? I still haven’t search in detail, but you can have a look at here:
well, the jam in sg ara is not any better off… during daily rush hours, if i depart from my place after 730, it took me around 45mins to reach intel…….
Really? Which part of Sg. Ara you stay? If using the new road connected to Jln Tun Dr Awang, do you think it will help? Btw, me currently from Bkt Gambier to Intel also need ~30 mins.
Anyway, should find 1 day to try the actual travel time from TR to FIZ.
Well, nowadays most of the upcoming condos are at around 500-700k in Penang.
So I guess 1 mil for double story terrace is reasonable.
@sg pinang
i depart from Desaria at 7.45am, i can reach Halaman Kpg Jawa at 8.15am after send my kids to babysitter’s house and daycare at Sg Ara area. maybe can confirm again tomorrow morning since school will be reopened tomorrow.
The so call lake or pond is actually a water retention pond as like the one in SP Setia. I hv talked to my unit sales girl before and it will be eventually be given to MPPP to manage eventually once the overall project completes. That area will be open to publc. The G&G Wall will be only up to the Clubhouse area. One other thing is there is a surau near to the traffic light and i have experience the loud speaker. Fortunately, my unit is being quite distance away with 4 rows of house be it reaches me. but still quite audible. Need to change the windows glass to thicker version when VP.
The noise from air planes take off/landing is much more frequent than the loud speaker…
So it is a retention pond, not recreation pond. No problem to open to public as this has never been committed as part for 1-R facilities (means, we do not pay to maintain it). But the location still occupied by many wooden houses, right?
I am quite near to the TR guard house, I think is nearer to the loud speaker than you. But I think the loud speaker in distance is not a problem. My current place have 4~5 loud speakers from different directions. But we do not notice them at all. One thing wish to verify here is the newly built mos/ surau on the land between Sathu and Dua. Is anyone can confirm this and also the exact location?
The airplane take off/ landing is a problem if your unit is directly under the path. Plane always fly above me in my company car park, really loud. But if you are not under it, no problem at all. So, I guess the impact is greater to QB, Gold Coast area, and of course Bt Maung which some area can feel the “earth quake”.
When is the OC??
Got any visitor carpark?
Sales agent said, June or July 2013.
Need visitor cap park? Visitor may register and drive to your front door. Otherwise, visitor need to walk for a distance to reach most of the units.
I never live in G&G before so dunno about this because when doing major function which need to park many cars let say 10 cars, how? I think can park beside the main straight road from the guard house. What you think?
Upon paying booking fees, how long do one need to sign the s&p? For this property the bank and lawyer belongs to the developer.
There are a few visitor car parks outside, but when you have function, normally just let security know and your guest may drive in. But need to make sure not blocking neighbors’ entrance. This is actually very much depend on the rules set by residences through JMB.
Sales agent said, end of Jan. For me, it’s doesn’t matter as the project is already 60~70% completed. The later the better so that I can save my 10% (-35K) as long as possible. :p
Bryan, what do you meant by can save 10%? Got any kang tao? Can share share? I am wanted to get 1 house from there too..thank you!
Maybe my statement a bit misleading. I meant delay paying the the balance of the 10% which you need to pay during signing SPA.
I believe the back where the wooden house is located or the kampung will be eventually be cleared. As when they are starting the piling of fiera vista. On the plane landing and take off noise. You will hardly notice since the take off and landing path is not passing over to TR. My current house is on the flight path of plane arriving from Northern side and i could hear those place as early as 6AM but got used to it aledi.
The main gate of TR is a junction with traffic light. Don’t you all think that this is not convenient?
Seem like there is new phase launch in One Residence.
The last phase..
RM0.00 Dear valued customers, One
Residence (Sg Ara)last phase
of 2 Storey Terrace Houses
are now opened for booking.
Freehold and Individual
title. Prices from RM958k
onward.Sales Packaging:Free
legal fee for Loan & SPA
(excluding MOT). Date: 9th
& 10th Jan,Time:10am to 6pm
(Ideal’s office). Booking
fee is RM35k by cheque
only.Call 04-6456888 for
more info.TQ
New Launching project called Ideal Haus (Thirsty):
1. Guarded only, not gated
2. 22X70 std intermediate RM958K
Somehow this project mix with replacement unit for Tunas Muda where they build single story terrace and use the same guard house. Not sure how is the design for this single story terrace(how good is the design be since it is a replacement unit?). The guard house entrance is directly facing single story house. There is a little minus point to this project.
Also not sure what is the project behind those single story terrace?
How many layout design for Ideal Haus?
Three types:
1. 22X70 44 units
2. 26X70 5 units
3. 35X70 5 units
Another 59 units of single story terrace. Design unknown. This is the key whether it bring positive or negative impact to Haus.
Is it a market build somewhere there?
With this price, i believe most people would prefer G&G. Whether it will be guarded or not also questionable since it is not gated. Everyone must agree to fence up the entire area and hire a few guards then only can be turned into guarded. I am sure some of the owners would not want to fork out this additional expense. Sales will be slow.
59 units? i heard that land is going to build 2 big condo right?
Where do you hear your news? Sign board already been put up, it is going to be landed.
@ PG Guy
i visited tree residence showhouse last week, notice from demo parcel that 2 condo are exactly right behind Sathu and Dua villa. maybe that piece of land is big enough to build another 60 units of landed property.
Ideal plan to build an apartment behind those 59 unit of single story terrace. Not finalise yet
The sales at Tree Residence told me the land behind Sathu and Dua are for terrace and some of the units are compensation for Koperasi. Don’t know who is right or wrong. Anyway, seems like they only launched the landed.
The size between Sathu and Dua is smaller than Dua Villas. Not sure can fit in another apartment or not. I heard the land beside Dua Villas might be for a Chinese secondary school. No more empty land here. Next development should be across the road from One Residence.
@PG Guy,
Moving from TR towards Ideal Haus, first is the small park (maintain by MPPP), following with 54 double sty, 59 single sty. Those 54 + 59 units are fence together. Behind those 59 units Ideal plan to build an apartment.
There are still land between the bungalow and the neighbor Taman Sri Bayan, near the current low cost flat in construction. That land like a diamond shape, too small and not suitable for landed. It will be fit for an apartment. The land for the chinese secondary school also similar size with Dua Villa, and is big enough to fit in other development. Guess Ideal will not waste it.
If the apartment really fit into the same land, really too much. Initially, only Sathu and Dua. Later got Tree. Then Haus, and coming more apartment…….
How you get so much information? Every time I asked the sales, their answer is full of uncertainty.
Single storey house when is plan to be launched? If any info on the price, pls share. Thanks.
The land in Dua is sink, some more apartment. wah !! really can’t imagine
I believe those single storey house is for replacement unit/compensation for Koperasi.
The apartment is to compensate koperasi? Do you know when they will launch?
Almost one month since TR bumi lot released. Not sure got any buyer cancellation before S&P signing due date?
You interested? I am still at war whether to go ahead to sign the SPA.
Bryan, why at war?
Ideal Haus today in the paper. Starting price 958K . All of the sudden the overall TR price jacked up liao. wOO HOoo.. but still going to keep it for my own stay.
Haha! War between my devil and angle. Commitment very high, unless I sell my condo.
Let me know if you decide to cancel them.
How to contact you? By the way, don’t put high hope on me. I also can’t read my mind now.
Btw, Ideal Haus still got unit available at 958K, individual title.
Ideal didn’t enforce one month must sign S&P? Please let Celine knows if you want to cancel. She will contact me.
I have my way to delay it. In fact, they never give me any banker contact and deadline. All I workout my own. As my last check, can wait until end of this month.
Anyone sign the SPA for bumi lot d?
Hello all,
I’m no expert in property investment, but have done quite some reading and research, at least to avoid major mistakes. If you read Milan Doshi book, he suggested at least a width of 22 ft. I’ve been to show house with the size of 20×65 and 20×70 and it felt quite congested. Before I came to tree residency show house, i did not expect it will be different, but it does make a different. I booked my first landed property. It is spacious, and G&G some more.
It also has fengshui criterias, that some other projects fail to meet. These are the good points for tree,
1. Unit either face North or South. Just corner unit on west side will be warmer.
2. The master bedroom’s toilet is NOT directly above the main door.
What about 3 story? Personally I don’t really like it. For me, the 3rd floor will have a very low utilization, and lazy to climb the 3rd floor. I have friends that have just move from 2 storey to 3 storey, and from the expression, I could tell he prefer 2 storey.
My sis 3 stry house in Sin, the building almost 4 story height. Ground floor have 12ft ceiling, 1st floor have 10ft height of ceiling, 2nd floor lagi pengsan as the height of the ceiling can actually build 1 more story.
Good move….
Welcome to the neighborhood. Your points sound familiar….. I think I want to collect royalty fee from you….. haha!
Enough to mention about the good points. Now I try the bad one (type 22):
1. Small backyard. The wet kitchen too small. Dry yard too small (3X11). Problems to utilize that place.
2. Fence too low (4ft?).
3. No skirting at 1st floor.
4. Cheap had rail used for the stair.
5. Lower ceiling height compared to Sathu. Worst if you need to cover the beam with plaster ceiling.
6. The door of 1 of the small rooms on 1st floor, located near the wall. This make it difficult to utilize the space of the 2nd hall.
7. The air well is closed up (I heard). No more like Sathu. No more air and light from roof if it is real.
8. Strata title….. this depend on people.
9. In front of the guard house, is a junction with traffic light. Feel funny.
10. The land is lower than Jln Dato Ismail Hashim, by 5-6ft.
11. Land sinking issue in Dua Ville, not sure if same problem will happen to TR.
12. No ideal commercial center, at this moment. Anyway Sunshine is only 3km away.
Hello Bryan,
Thanks for the response. Agreed with your response and input. I booked type 22, as a bit higher type fully booked. For type 22, Point 1 is true. Though about this, and might need to renovate a bit to look like type 24. move the bathroom door, and shrink the size of the guest room. I need to ‘create’ I small room for my maid.
What do you guys think of Ideal Haus? Would it be better than Tree type 22? I’m still waiting for my loan and still not too late to switch to Ideal Haus. I heard for Ideal Haus,
1. Buyer has to serve the interest during development.
2. Pay MOT immediately when S&P is signed.
Hi Bryan,
any problem buying bumi lot release? is this now still bumi lot or normal lot now?
Personally, I prefer G&G and I think this is the future trend. But I think this concept is not popular yet in Pg.
Ideal Haus balance unit all facing South West. Ideal will provide a guard house but without guard. The compound included the SST. I think it is very difficult to setup the security system there.
In actual, those are not bumi lots, but bumi reserved lots. And so call bumi lots released, means developer is allowed to convert the bumi lot to normal lot, and released to public.
The actual bumi lot is those you purchased from bumi in subsales market. That lot have not been converted to normal lot.
So, no problem to purchase the “bumi lot”.
Hmmm…. been thinking (Bryan has ‘racun’ me, but in a good way i guess). I currently booked type 22, and wished I have booked type 24. Who knows if type 24 is still available? I could probably cut my expense here and there (eg, less astro package, lower internet speed and etc) to afford Type 24. If anyone have booked type 24, and somehow want to let go, please let me know and reply to this msg.
on separate topic, do you think it is possible to get developer to minorly change the internal design of our house? Say, don’t put a wall here, put it somewhere else, shift the door here and there. What would be the process?
Any decision yet? Can share your trick how to delay the signing?
Don’t count on me. My final decision is only when the time come to sign the SPA. My case is special causing me have a good reason to delay it. Not nice to show here. Btw, I think most of the released bumi lot buyer also haven’t sign SPA?
Haven.t yet. I am one of them.Loan just got approved last week. Anyone had signed?
Is the developer offer free air-cond with the package?
going to sign s&p this week…anyone joining me?
I heard Dua Villa do have the 2 free air-cond. Good to have it for TR too.
Given everything else equal (except price), i think TR is a better choice than Haus.
u get more than Haus.
BT THE WAY i dont own TR unit. just from personal view G&G is better in that area.
So fast? I prefer later. Best if after CNY.
Checked last time. Got free air, but no free aircon…. :p
When i paid the initial deposit early 2010, i was made to sign a doc stating that i will not be eligible for any accessories upgrade based on the price i secured. Thus , just Ideal make preparation if the project does not fly, they will throw in some air-conds, fridge and sinks to attract buyers.
True. Ideal Style! One Imperial, only 80% DBIS, free 1 car park initially. Later got competition from Garden Ville and Pinnacle, then offer 100% DBIS, free 4 aircon and some towers free 2 car park, 1 of the towers early buyer got 10K rebate.
TR bumi lot selling at high price 938K, and type 22 still sold out. So, no reason they give freebies. Somemore, Ideal Haus add 20K and take away DBIS. If bad sales on Ideal Haus, maybe got DBIS and free aircon later. But look like the sales not bad at all. So, IH buyer no hope for DBIS and free aircon.
But for TR bumi lots, on paper already gain 20K (price) + >10K (DBIS) with reference to IH.
And lucky you, get a TR with 700K ++. On paper, already gain 200-300K. How can I miss this as I am also looking for a landed at that time. I only search SPI (700K+) and Bayan Residence (<700K) that time.
U know wat ?!
All this is love & hate relationship.
Majority of people just love NEW properties…..THEY END UP be at the mercy of developers (even though they keep cursing them).
DIBS, free carpark, a/c etc….are actually YOUR OWN BLOOD SWEAT MONEY PREPAID!
Frankly if I were developers sales personnel (which I believed some are here to spice things up to the some DESPERATE buyers here) I would be smiling broadly. Save their energy to sales talk, u guys did a great job to help them buy NEW CARS AND HOUSES.
Really…. Sg Ara areas have no more houses/condo to buy? Are all these subsales properties inhuman to stay?
Somemore for NEW, u have to pray hard for 2~3 YEARS make sure their project complete, the company still in business, no more recession etc.
There is nothing wrong to buy new properties but be clear what are you are sign up. If u hv done ur homeworks n these RISKS are worth it, just get it.
Common sense please!
Luck or not, it is a risk to attempt and this is for own stay. Whereas in any housing projects will be speculators who will attempt to make a big buck out from it. I have been monitoring SP Setial pricing for a number of years and only recently last 2 yrs have seen the price movement, prior was pretty much stagnant.
But still is preference that i am keen on a double storey rather than 3 storey house. Hope they don’t change the design and close of the so call air well. I bought it because it brings in natural light into the house.
I think you better check with Ideal. I went into the site before, and there was no opening on the roof for the air well, except the show house.
Yes, I appreciate more on DST than 3ST. Stay in 2.5ST before and I don’t want to repeat the same nightmare.
My last check with sales rep the air well will remain there. So don’t know who’s right and who’s wrong.
Question on strata title. I know a lot of people argue about this. But generally how long it takes to get the strata title for landed property?
Hope you are right as I love the air well very much. But it is true that the roof of the houses at the construction site are without any opening. I only verify type 22. Not sure if it is a right way that the developer will only made the opening for air well later on? Maybe it is time to go to the site again to verify this.
Please do and share your finding. I love to have the air well too. Last night went to have a walk in Sathu and my wife love the environment there. The 40′ wide road really makes the environment great. Saw TR plan also have similar spec.
To add on. Didn’t notice any crack in Sathu. 😛
Sathu land is more solid as that area, towards the market (in construction), was previously a small hill. Tree previously was a kampung and not sure if it is similar to Dua. Look at the remaining kampung land there, I think not much reclaim required. Even though there is, the land is having longer time to stabilize. So, hope the quality of Tree to be the same with Sathu.
kotun, have u sign s&p? u bumi release lot as well?
Booked 1 bumilot type 24, yet to sign spa, still pending loan, sales person didn’t mention on due date to sign, u guys mind to share which loan u taking since their panel bank for TR left limited choices, BTW, Islamic vs conventional loan, which one better?
Just by walking into the site ? i am not sure we are allowed to.
Sure cannot, by right! I do not encourage anyone to enter the site, although I did it. Just view from outside, can see that no opening was done on the roof for the air well. The roof work is completed as per my last visit.
Anyone here bought the bumi released lot and sign s&p?
You signed? Developer will continue to ask buyer sign SPA 1 by 1?
Just back from the site (see from outside), external plastering done and no opening on the roof (should be easy to spot if got) for type 22.
Anyone have the details layout which included the power points, fan & light points location?
on the air well, the salesman told me that there will be air well, and now they are verifying 3 different designs to find the best solution (water leaking problem or something). This is what he told me.
I booked bumi released unit, and have not signed s&p. I booked for type 22, but want to change to 24. So I want to delay the signing as much as I can.
I’ve got loan approved, and the offer letter valid for 2 weeks. How can I delay signing s&p, and at the same time ensuring the loan offer letter still valid.
Anyone want to let go type 24 they booked, do let me know okay. Thanks in advance.