
Linear Waterfront


A newly proposed 60-hectare reclamation off Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) in Bayan Baru, stretching from Queensbay Mall roundabout towards Penang 2nd Bridge. With an estimated GDV of more than RM1 billion, this will be the longest sea-facing promenade in Penang, estimated to be about 8km-long, for the people to jog, exercise and cycle.

This project will have four oblong-shaped strips of reclaimed land attached to the coast of Penang Island, which would comprise of waterfront resorts, hotels, restaurants, medical, commercial and mixed development components.

Penang State Government would be calling for a request for proposal (RFP) from interested parties from July 31 to Sept 30 for consideration by the city council and other authorities. The winning RFP would reclaim the land and be the master developer for the project.


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  1. Sammy
    July 7th, 2020 at 12:06 | #1

    All the so-called Big developers are now scuba-diving and no one has the guts to start anything “big” !

  2. penangkia
    July 9th, 2020 at 10:18 | #2

    Should consider refill the whole channel between Pulau Pinang and Pulau Jerejak. Since the water is already very shallow and the channel is so narrow.

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