
Penang Property Hotspots in 2017


It’s pretty common for our readers to approach us to enquire about the latest property market in Penang. Here is an infographic on property hotspots in Penang. Hotspots is defined as the location where the top 20 most active projects in 2017 are located, along with the price ranges of the respective properties within that location.

In Penang, any location can be a property hotspot as long as you have the right product in the right location selling at the right price.

* Most active projects are ranked based on the pageviews recorded in Google Analytic web traffic report for PenangPropertyTalk.com.


  1. gooner
    August 3rd, 2017 at 22:31 | #1

    The way the prices and data are portrayed is misleading as it does not take into account size of property.

    Would only be useful and accurate if Price-Per-Square-Foot is depicted.

  2. Macha
    August 4th, 2017 at 09:04 | #2

    Doesn’t really tell much info other than what most Penangnite already know

  3. edisongan
    August 4th, 2017 at 09:49 | #3

    Agree that it should show price/sqf rather than a ball park figure like this without knowing how big size they are..

    Besides, it should also indicate the reference prices/sqf of Butterworth, Prai and BM since 3 of them are biggest town in Seberang Prai area…

    Many islanders are also residing there due to cheaper living cost and housing prices. So, it should reflect more comprehensively

  4. Novus Buyer
    August 7th, 2017 at 13:38 | #4

    Penang Island will like Hong Kong soon……….buying property at Island is impossible soon

  5. Tracy Chan
    August 8th, 2017 at 13:33 | #5

    do you have idea why Nusmetro city rename Ceria development ? Financial issue ? will it be riks to buy property from this developer ? l

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