
Bayan Baru wet market reconstruction nears completion


Source: Buletin Mutiara

The reconstruction of the Bayan Baru Wet Market is nearing its final stages, with vendors expected to move in and start their businesses by the end of this month. The only remaining task is for Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to complete the installation of the electricity meters.

Penang Island City Council (MBPP) member, Chan Soon Aun, shared in an interview with Buletin Mutiara that the initial plan was for vendors to relocate and begin operations in April. However, this timeline was delayed due to issues with the installation of the electricity meters. Each of the 36 stalls in the newly rebuilt market has its own dedicated meter, but outstanding electricity bills for some stalls had to be settled before TNB could proceed with the installations.

Chan explained that the outstanding bills have now been resolved, and MBPP submitted the application for meter installation on May 29. TNB approved the application on May 31, and installation work is currently being scheduled. He is confident that the installation will be completed within June.

In response to reports claiming that the reconstruction was being repeatedly delayed, Chan clarified that TNB technicians have identified structural adjustments needed for the meter installations, which MBPP is addressing promptly.

Additionally, MBPP has been in communication with the vendors to keep them informed about the progress. Although some vendors have raised concerns about the unfinished tiling at the market entrance, Chan assured that this will not hinder their move and will be completed after the vendors have settled in.

The council remains committed to addressing local issues, including installing more industrial fans at the adjacent vendor center to improve ventilation and collaborating with the Ministry of Health to designate a smoking area and address rainwater splashing issues. Measures are also being considered to manage the stray cat and dog population around the market.

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  1. chita
    June 7th, 2024 at 12:50 | #1

    Penang is still very “old fashion” almost all new developments are stale and insipid !

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