
Avion Residence


Avion, a serviced residence development by Rackson Group at Bayan Lepas. Part of its maiden Penang Gateway project located just across Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah from Penang International Airport. There will be a link bridge connecting to the proposed Light Rail Transit (LRT) station at Penang International Airport and the airport’s future expansion.

This development will involve the construction of a 36-storey commercial building, comprising a total of 608 serviced suites with an 8-level car parking podium. The serviced suites range in size from single-bedroom units at 488 sq.ft. to 3-bedroom units of up to 1,328 sq.ft. Additionally, the same building will house the Le Méridien hotel.

Project Name : Avion
Location : Bayan Lepas
Property Type : Serviced residence
Total Units: 608
Built-up Area: 488 sq.ft. – 1,328 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM342,000 onwards
Developer : Rackson Group

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  1. Andrew
    May 25th, 2024 at 02:05 | #1

    I want to know more about this project, please any agent to contact me. thanks.

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