
3 Cs in getting your loan approved… and read till the end for your bonus

Property News/ 9 May 2019

ctosscore* Article by Freemind Works *

Recently, it was reported in freemalaysiatoday.com that home loan rejection rate is as high as 70%. Well … applying for a loan can be a frightening task that will require a lot of your time and you need to figure out what documents to submit.

Actually, applying for a loan is not as complicated as you think it is.

Follow our 3Cs tips below to increase the chances of your loan application approval!

To claim your FREE credit report: https://goo.gl/forms/C1VIFVl4JnAxs98I3


The first “C” is capability. This refers to your ability to take a certain amount of loan based on your income.

First things first, if you want to apply for a home loan, you need to show proof of a source of consistent income. So keep all your income record properly.


Bank evaluate your credibility from the CCRIS and CTOS report. These report will show

  • Outstanding credit
  • Special attention accounts
  • Applications for credit that have been approved or are pending
  • Business exposure, business ownerships and directorships
  • Bankruptcy, legal action and case statuses.

You too, can have access to both your personal CCRIS and CTOS report. So, make sure to check that your credit report is updated and is in the positive to increase your loan application chances.


Finally, the bank will evaluate your payment habit – do you pay your bills (instalments and credit card balance) on time, all the time? Or do you have a habit of making late payment?

If you are habitually making late payments, chances are the bank will reject your application. Therefore, pay all your bills on time consistently, either on or before the due date.

In closing

It is not entirely the fault of the banks, financial institution of even the property price that our loan application is rejected.

More often than not, it is due to our own ignorance and not having the right knowledge that is the root cause.

Now that you know bank rejects or approve our loan by evaluating our income (capability), debt (credibility) and payment habit (consistency), start with looking at and improving your CCRIS and CTOS report.


If you have not yet seen a CCRIS or CTOS report, chances are you will not know how to read or understand one.

In my upcoming 4 hour property investment workshop this Saturday, 11 May (1pm – 6pm), I have invited my partner, MC Lee an experienced mortgage advisor, who will assist you in getting your CCRIS and CTOS report (normally, you will need to pay RM25, but in this case it’s absolutely F.R.E.E for you).

Additionally, you will also get a one-to-one session with the two of us, to go through your report with you.

Understanding and updating your credit report is an important first step in before you buy your property.

1. To claim your FREE seat to my property workshop and get a copy of your credit report plus a one-on-one session, fill in your details here:

>> https://goo.gl/forms/C1VIFVl4JnAxs98I3

2. My team will be in touch to let you know the next steps and documents needed from you

3. Collect your credit report this Saturday at the end of my property investment workshop

I look forward to seeing you this Saturday.

– Kaygarn Tan
