Avenue Garden @ Pearl City
Avenue Garden Serviced Apartment, the upcoming high-rise development by Tambun Indah in Simpang Ampat, Penang. It is strategically located in the heart of Pearl City township development, just a stone’s throw away from the GEMS International School.
This development comprises a 17-storey service apartment (312 units) with 5 level of multi-storey car park.
More details to be available upon project launch.
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Property Project : Avenue Garden
Location : Pearl City, Simpang Ampat, Penang
Property Type : Service apartment
Total Units: 312
Tenure : Freehold
Indicative Price : (open for registration only)
Developer : Tambun Indah
Location Map:
May I know this is a commercial titled project or residential title?
As i know is under Commercial title and GST will absorb by Developer.
Thanks for your reply
Not yet launch?
Any more units left & the prices?
Any more unit and any promotion?
hi, what is the availability,the rebates & the price ? Pls advice..
last i’ve checked about 80% booked.
any promotion?
when launch and the piice for semi D?
just wondering is it a room to grow in simpat empat? is it worth to do investment in there? tq
just wondering is it a room to grow in simpat empat? is it worth to do investment in there? tq
what is the floor plan available in avenue garden?
Is serviced apartment suitable to buy for stay? Or investment?
Any buyers here?
I would like to know the info
This is under commercial title. As i check from TNB website, service apartment is under category commercial consumer, let me do comparison between domestic consumer(residential title) and commercial consumer(commercial title)
Domestic consumer
1-200kWh is RM0.2180/kWh,
201-300kWh is RM0.3340/kWh,
301-600kWh RM0.5160k/Wh
Commercial consumer 1-200kWh is RM0.4350/kWh, >200kWh is RM0.5090/kWh
Assumed we use 300kWh per month
Domestic consumer
200kWh X RM0.2180/kWh =RM43.60
100kWh X RM0.3340/kWh = RM33.40
Total RM77.00 per month
Commercial consumer
200kWh X RM0.4350/kWh = RM87.00
100kWh X RM0.5090/kWh = RM50.90
Total RM137.90 per month
Above just an example, please correct me if there is any incorrect information or wrong calculation.
This is just for sharing.
But my opinion on avernue garden is worth to buy, because just beside GEMS International School, it provided 3-18 years education thus sure will have parent they should willing to rent a room at avernue garden, because very convenience, to school or sundry purchase also.
Any buyer of Avernue garden, please share your opinion here. I am planning to buy a unit also.
@M.G hi, i also booked a unit there since February, 15 for tower 1. it is for invest purpose too, but one point to worry is there are too much of residential properties and still on going to develop in future. would it be worth to invest? and it is also under commercial title, beside TNB, the quit rent would be more expensive than residential title.
hi, i also booked a unit there since February, 15 for tower 1. it is for invest purpose too, but one point to worry is there are too much of residential properties and still on going to develop in future. would it be worth to invest? and it is also under commercial title, beside TNB, the quit rent would be more expensive than residential title.
@ M.G
Is this worth buying? Since rates are high. But the land is commercial however this lot will be residential, no commercial activities. Hopefully the authority will approve residential rates.
@ ween, signed your s&p?
any buyers here to tell tales on the property..?
Guys think twice for those who plan to invest .
Please have a visit on Pearl Garden / Pearl Indah III / Pearl Villas .
These three project completed more than 3 years . Still have lots of empty houses (for sale/rent).
No UNIFI , low telco coverage (No signal for digi at pearl indah III).
In addition , there is a cute tiny little flyover you need to pass by to reach Bandar Tasek Mutiara.
It only has one lane for you to cross over . Imagine the traffic during the peak hour. Due to near by KTM station , every car have to utilize this flyover to reach Pearl City.
Good news is ,
Stinky chicken smell and flies issue are getting better now ( still happen during raining season).
Well if you switch to U-mobile or others, line reception is very good. Unify works well so far.
Traffic is Ok, having 1 “lane to cross over” is not an issue. The more traffic passing by the area the more ong it becomes, it’s better.
Stinky chicken smell is not an issue as bad as it has been. The condition has improved so much than few years back.
If you are not buying, you should not make exaggerations here.
Haha, sounds like u are not stay at mutiara. Early morning jam like shit. Previous before the shop lot complete is 3 lane rush to go into 1 lane to cross the bridge. Now more serious, 5 lanes compete to cross for 1 lane. What stupid area is? I stay 3 years at pearl villas, the traffic never improves, just become worse. Yes. I’m not the buyer for Avenue Garden, but I’m the owner for TI project. Compliant to developer there shoud build another alternative road. TI own the land to connect pearl city and exit at superstar avenue. But they told me that need wait until develop that area then only will build the road, what the shit answer, how many year to wait??
i hear that area go chicken farm smell, very horrible. especially after raining. i can’t imaging how to live at that area. but for those buying hope you enjoy the fresh air.
But for smell and fly is reduce now a day compare to previous. Just the traffic must be improved, other still can acceptable.
It’s even worse when rainning during morning rush hour. The road bump immediately before the fly-over also causing traffic slowdown. The only another exit to federal route 1 also jammed because now under major road widening construction.
Well find a place of appreciating value without traffic jam
I was informed by Tambun Indah that there is an ongoing discussion with the state government and other developers (Iconic, EcoWorld, etc.) for the improvement of the roads at Simpang Ampat. They’re including the expansion of the road before the fly-over and width of the fly-over as well, since they have been receiving the complaint about these two items. This could be a challenge for them as told, there is a Bumiputera’s cemetery nearby. This movement is sensitive, thus they need a very proper way to handle it.
Only who stayed at Pearl City know the pain .
Those who said the single-lane flyover is not an issue definitely is an investor who didn’t stayed there .
Come visiting Pearl City @ 7am weekday you will saw the answer .
What is the selling price? Anyone knows how many units sold? Thanks.
definitely, the biggest challenge facing is the traffic condition. Secondly, the pearl city mall is so disappointed me, there is still lots empty space waiting to rent out even the mall already operating one year.
Topping up good news!
Avenue Garden buildings have already reached the roof top. CCC is likely to be in early 2018.
Apartment units facing North have unblocked views towards BM mountain.
Best apartment unit for resale!
Type D corner unit, 1098 sf
High floor,
Unblock views of BM hills…
@Best unit for resale
How much you sell?
Best offer takes it!
Genuine buyers, pls provide contact email. Tks
@Best unit for resale
Haven complete constructing and you are making a resale alrd?
Commercial title huh? Go ask 1Sky/Elite / Arena@bayan baru owner why u shud not buy this unless for ur own stay.
I intend to book one unit at Palm Garden, next to Avenue Garden.
Quite concern on the comments from friends here on the commercial title which is
causing higher rate of electricity & quit rent. It seems like it’s unlikely (may be I am wrong)
to convert the title from commercial to residential title.
Need more advice from Avenue Garden buyers.
Why buy Condo there when there are many landed house around there.
MG / Ween,
Do you buy eventually?
Discussion seems quiet already……
Commercial title ah?
Liao mah ah kao ah giau can go in go out lor?
U know lah! Commercial title can use the house to earn money mah… can do homestay, maybe can let vietnamese girl doing business somemore!
Who knows!
I am a resident in Avenue Garden. Yes, the TNB can convert.
The quit Rent, we are doing it… in progress. will share with you the good news
Hi, for convert the tnb from commercial to residential rate, do it need to do it in group or individual? As i know many project in penang island need to do in group, and if apply individually many fail to vonvert.
@leow thean siang
Hi Leow Thean Siang, appreciate your input. I believe you have already shifted in Avenue Garden now.
I booked a unit of Palm Garden in mid of 2017.
In avenue garden, I want house for rental.
Dear Leow Thean Siang, I dislike with the attitude of the developer/sales. Thus I cancel my 3 room unit reserved since June’2017. New buyers are getting better offers than those who reserved earlier as early bird.