
Groundbreaking for affordable housing project in Simpang Ampat

kampung baru flat groundbreaking

GUH Development Sdn. Bhd. will build a block of 20-storey flats consisting of 208 units of Affordable Housing (RMM) Type A or Low Cost (LC for RM42,000 each on a 2.3-acre open land next to Jamek Al-Ihsaniah Mosque in Simpang Ampat.

During the groundbreaking ceremony yesterday, caretaker Chief Minister, Y.A.B. Tuan Chow Kon Yeow said that his administration hopes that the approval process for the start of groundwork for the ‘home for home’ project can be speeded up at the Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) level.

“The work is expected to take about three years to complete. We hope for a smooth progress and an early completion of the project, as the local residents have been waiting for a long time.”, said Chow.

It is understood that a total of 140 families have signed an agreement with the developer to accept a unit with an area of 900 square feet as compensation, and another 22 “extended family” will be able to purchase a unit with an area of 750 square feet for RM42,000.

Former Bukit Tambun assemblyman Goh Choon Aik said the villagers had signed an agreement with the developer in 2018, and now, finally, the project work has started after a long struggle spanning 20 years.

He explained that the villagers signed a contract with the former developer between 1996 and 1997, which later changed hands in 2014, and were deterred by the fact that they had not been able to fulfill their commitments after signing the contract.

He continued that since becoming the state legislator of Bukit Tambun in 2018, he has been working to resolve the issues, including discussions with the current developer and villagers, and finally convinced 140 local families to sign the agreement.

“A total of 140 families have agreed to the ‘home for home’ arrangement. The developer cannot initiate any demolition actions until the new houses are built. As for the approximately 30-odd villagers who did not sign the plan, they have been duly compensated.”

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