
Penang govt continues to give tax assessment rebates

penang assessment rebates

The Penang government has announced its decision to continue giving rebates on assessment rates this year.

State Local Government, Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said the decision was made to alleviate the financial burden of the people which is caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We have announced the same decision in May last year and we are doing it again this year.

“The rebates will benefit 649,950 ratepayers in Penang; both on the island and the mainland.

“A full (100%) assessment rebate will be given to low-cost, low medium-cost and village house owners this year.

“A 50% rebate will be given to owners in other categories,” Jagdeep told a press conference at the Penang Hindu Endowment Board (PHEB) office in Jalan Macalister today.

According to Jagdeep, the total assessment rebate to be given by both local councils namely Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) for the year 2021 is almost RM25 million.

“For MBPP, the total rebate given for 2021 is RM10,297,993.98 while MBSP is RM14,246,852.20.

“This huge amount of rebates proves that the Penang government cares for the people especially during trying times.

“MBPP and MBSP will continue to focus on improving the core services, especially in terms of waste collection and public cleaning services.

“Most importantly, the councils strive to ensure SOPs are complied in all public facilities.

“The local councils will continue to provide the best service as well as continue the development agenda in Penang,” he added.

Source: Buletin Mutiara


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